Saturday, March 11, 2017

Practice from life:
Still image drawing

One of techniques we use in sketching is the aspect of the Still Life Drawing. This kind of method used to capture the shape, lighting and detail of objects that you want to draw.

Basic Shapes

Originally, these drawings were used as a method of understudy for painting so could objects be more accurately shaped and shaded in the final product.

Today, this art form takes on a life its own being used as a way to teach artist how to capture the awe of an object and and develop a sense of shape and light.

These are some more examples:

Try it yourself
For this technique, we will need a set a few objects on a table with a noticeable light source (I.e. lamp) and a stationary chair so your view of the objects on the table and take a break when you need to.

Now although this is a technique, it is up to you to you how you want this to turn out.

What I mean by that is, this will be like the second post but you will choose how long you want to spend on still life.
This is my set up!
This is my sketch

When you send it to the Drive send a picture of the objects and send it with your drawing to [Share Your Stuff]

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